Free customs zone

SEZ "Togliatti" operates as a free customs zone. Thus, the investors can avoid over payments related to import of equipment, resources and materials, or export of finished products.

Free customs zone is a customs procedure where products are located and utilized within a SEZ or its part without payment of customs fees, taxes, with out application of non-tariff measures in respect of foreign products and without application of bans or restrictions in respect of the customs union products (as defined in the Treaty between the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Belorussian Republic and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 18, 2010 "On Free (Special) Economic Zones in the Customs Territory of the CustomsUnion and Customs Procedure for Free Customs Zones").

Foreign goods imported into SEZ "Togliatti" (equipment, raw materials, components, construction materials) are placed and used without paying of customs duties and taxes, as well as with no applying non-tariff regulation. Customs Union goods are placed under the customs procedure of a free customs zone without payment of export duties, and without applying prohibitions, and restrictions.

Upon the completion of FCS customs procedures, goods placed under the customs procedure of FCZ as well as processed products made of such goods are placed under other customs procedures established by the Customs Code of the Customs Union, depending on the status of the goods.
